Public Accounts Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Monday, 22 October 2012




Meeting time:

14:00 - 17:21




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


Darren Millar (Chair)

Mohammad Asghar (Oscar) AM

Mike Hedges

Julie Morgan

Gwyn R Price

Jenny Rathbone

Aled Roberts

Lindsay Whittle








Anthony Barrett, Wales Audit Office Partner, Wales Audit Office

Matthew Mortlock, Performance Specialist. WAO

Mike Usher, Wales Audit Office

Mark Jones, Wales Audit Office

Jane Hutt, Minister for Finance and Leader of the House

Nicola Charles, Welsh Government

Reg Kilpatrick, Director, Welsh Government






Committee Staff:


Tom Jackson (Clerk)

Sarah Beasley (Clerk)

Daniel Collier (Deputy Clerk)

Sarah Sargent (Deputy Clerk)

Joanest Jackson (Legal Advisor)





1.  Introductions, apologies and substitutions

1.1        The Chair welcomed Members and members of the public to the meeting.

1.2        Apologies had been received from Julie Morgan for item 2.




2.  Grants Management in Wales - Briefing from Auditor General for Wales on 'The Welsh Government's management of its relationship with AWEMA'

2.1 The Chair welcomed Anthony Barrett, Assistant Auditor General for Wales; Mike Usher, Group Director – Financial Audit; Matthew Mortlock, Performance Audit Manager; and Mark Jones, Financial Audit Manager.


2.2 The Committee discussed the findings of the WAO report.




3.  Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:

Items 4 and 7.




4.  Grants Management in Wales - Handling of Auditor General for Wales report Welsh Government's management of its relationship with AWEMA

4.1 The Committee discussed how it wished to handle the WAO report ‘The Welsh Government’s relationship with the All Wales Ethnic Minority Association’.




5.  Public Audit (Wales) Bill: Stage 1 - Evidence from the Audit Commission

5.1 The Committee took evidence from Martin Evans, Managing Director of Audit Policy, Audit Commission.




6.  Public Audit (Wales) Bill: Stage 1 - Evidence from the Minister for Finance and Leader of the House

6.1 The Committee took evidence from Jane Hutt, the Member in Charge of the Bill and Minister for Finance and Leader of the House; Reg Kilpatrick, Director of Local Government and Public Service, Welsh Government; and Nicola Charles, Legal Services, Welsh Government.


Action Point:


6.2 The Minister agreed to provide a supplementary note to the Committee on:


·         the inter-relationship between the Policy Authority and the Chief Constable;

·         examples of supervisory and executive board models operating in relation to key public functions in Wales;

·         how, under the provisions in the Bill, the AGW would continue to have the ability to put in place robust quality assurance arrangements that he/she considers necessary to remain compliant with International Auditing Standards.




7.  Consideration of evidence on Public Audit (Wales) Bill

7.1 The Committee considered the evidence provided by the Audit Commission and the Minister for Finance and Leader of the House as part of its Stage 1 scrutiny of the Public Audit (Wales) Bill.


Action point:


7.2 The Committee agreed to write to the Minister to seek further assurances on the following matters—







8.  Papers to note

8.1 The Committee noted the correspondence from the Auditor General for Wales on Hospital Catering and Patient Nutrition.


8.2 The Committee noted the correspondence from the Welsh Government on the National Fraud Initiative.


8.3 The Committee noted the minutes of the previous meeting.


8.4 The Committee noted the letter from the Auditor General for Wales regarding the Public Audit (Wales) Bill and TUPE arrangements.





View the meeting transcript.
